Why Your Song Won’t Get Played On The Radio

In our experience gaining spins on mainstream radio is no easy task. We have sent music to major radio stations all over the country but after learning about payola and politics we started to come up with a plan to ensure our members get air time. See, there is this thing about radio djs wanting thousands of dollars to play your record one time on underground late night radio shows caused us to look for other options for being heard.

There’s a bit of a monopoly in mainstream radio

When radio stations were starting to use hip hop as a means to engage a younger audience and stronger following, there were mixshows. For these mixshows, djs were allowed to play what they wanted. Many djs would reach out for freestyles or intros for their radio shows. As time passed, radio stations removed power from the djs and they now have to stick to strict playlists. Thats the reason why you hear the same rotation of the same 10 songs on every radio station across the country.

The low down.

We worked with a band a while back that was once signed to a major distribution deal through Universal records. Initially, getting commercial radio play required a lot of artist management and promotional work. A lot of liasing with the bureacracy of the commercial stations. Having had the good fortune of knowing many of the ‘star’ djs on major stations the band was able to get a measure of airtime through dj-specific shows; usually evenings and weekends. They received the greatest rotation while signed to Universal, however, which was when their music was packaged with major US releases by the label and sent as promotional pieces to radio stations.

Why it’s hard for Indies. 

As an Unsigned Artist that does not fit within the trend of “Popular Music” it is a constant up hill battle…. Commercialized music is a big problem that has to be factored in because instead of focusing on the art & craft it has become about selling products & reinforcing cancerous lifestyles…. If you pay close attention your getting the same song over & over. Sex, Drugs & Materialism… This pattern rarely deviates… Many corporations have teamed with Record Companies to enhance profits by endorsing these same artist to help sell products & strengthen this toxic marriage. The financial incentive is overwhelming. Unsigned Artists become a direct contradiction to the structure and are often ignored & swept under the rug by mainstream outlets.

How promotion can help.

One of the main obstacles for independent artists is promotion. Who in the streets is talking about you? Why should someone without major promotion money behind them have a chance with stations who receive major money from record companies, big budget commercials, etc?
In order to even be considered for radio play you need to be requested (call in to the radio stations and have your song requested) no less than 3x more than the lowest tiered (signed big money) artist.

It can be intimidating!

Developing a legitimate profile with station managers, program directors, star djs and on-air personalities is a challenge. Indie artists without the backing of one of the above stake-holders at the stations struggle to get noticed and receive almost no air play. Artists who get themselves involved in the promotional events that radio stations mount, (talent searches, community outreach programs etc.) can use these opportunities to get to know the staff both administrative and talent at stations and can work their way into whatever programs these stations designate for breaking or exposing local talent. Signed artists benefit from the business/advertising relationships their labels have with radio stations and thus will always receive better treatment and more air time on radio stations. Most radio stations belong to much larger media conglomerates whose programming is done by regional directors. Those directors serve those record labels with the largest advertising expenditures at the stations.

Sad truths.. for now.. 

Local stations are not going to play what they don’t think is popular-popping or profitable. They don’t want to trend set or be progressive in a whole. They want to follow the ‘blueprint’ and the people with the money are promoting acts like Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj and Rihanna. The thinking is limited and they have no monetary incentive to do otherwise. The progressive or revolutionary artists don’t necessarily have the money to present the image of success, therefore stations and personnel do not see anything  worth ‘buying’ into. Radio programmers play the songs specifically selected and “bought” from music companies by station owners.  It is an intimate relationship, an incestuous one.  Sony and Universal own 80-95% of all songs played on R&B, hip-hop and Top 40 radio stations each week.  They pay roughly $1000 per song, per station to assure that we hear their songs and only their songs 30 and 40 and 50,000 times a month.  This is why most commercial stations sounds exactly the same

What can we do to help Unsigned Artists get FM Air Play?

The best thing to do is support the artist you love. If there is an artist in your area that you like, reach out to the radio stations and speak on their behalf. Request their songs, attend their shows and purchase their music. It is easy for an indy artist to get frustrated and stop, especially when there is no profit received from their hard work and talent. Support local music.

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